All of this testing has just got end,
It’s making us crazy, we’ve gone round the bend.
Its useless, its wasteful, its costly and dumb,
It keeps us from learning and daring and.

Our teachers all know where we’re good or need time,
Let’s leave it to them, they’re the experts, they’re fine.

It’s all just a plot to make teachers look bad,
To take all the money the schools should have had,
To give to the corps, who have soared like a rocket,
By using our money to line some pol’s pocket.

The fools who design them know nothing of teaching,
But why should they care when it’s money they’re leaching,
Out of our pockets, out of our shirts,
It’s really a shame being ripped off by jerks.

Oh, the money we’d save, oh, the learning we’d do,
Oh, how the big corps would be crying boo-hoo.

For the people who say it’s the data that matters,
Then ignore facts they don’t like, are they simply mad hatters?

We’ve been testing and testing for years and for years,
There’s been no improvement, there’s been nothing but tears.
We’re doing no better, we’re still just the same,
But they’re making money and politicians can claim,
That they’re not doing nothing, that they care about kids,
But it’s all just a shuck and a whole lot of fibs.

If taking more tests made us better at schooling,
We’d all be A students, the world we’d be ruling.
And yet it continues, it only gets worse,
Just pressure and bad will and lightening our purse.

The great pressure on teachers to teach to the test,
Leaves no time for learning, and being our best,
At readin’ and writin’ and mathin’ and more,
Let’s take all these tests and just show them the door.

Well that’s how I see it, I hope you agree,
Let’s get rid of these tests as quick as can be.